

Passionately invested in all kinds of creative projects (photography, video, graphic design), our creative team brings an original and relevant look to the projects they carry for you: reportage, portrait, studio, mise-en-scène, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, corporate, advertising, events, institutional, architecture, etc.


Our teams work side by side with the photographic and audiovisual staff in order to meet your logistical and human needs. From the control room to the location scouting right through the staff booking, that all of your operation run smoothly.


Unique Agency has its own post-production ans digital retouching  department where your creative demands make even more sense. Our teams will know how to build on our passion to offer you creations that will meet your highest expectations.


We also include a casting direction in constant contact with all kinds of profiles in order to meet your demands in a personalized way. From the talents selection to the photoshoots organization, our team handles your casting process every step of your way.